Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday at the Saumani's

Today was Crazy but a lot of fun. We started out rushed for church anyone who has ever meet at nine AM knows what I'm talking about.So we make it a little late but we're there and no one is dead or crying sooo victory to us... I end up "sitting in" for CTR 5 teacher, picture this me with about 7 little five year olds (I now love the people who work in the primary way more) so there I sit with two little girls on my lap not mine, but all the same. One says we need to schedule a play date for this week. OK I say how about Friday she replies that won't work with my schedule how about sat? I say OK I'll talk to you mom then she decides on Monday I agree to keep for going nuts the day goes on then at the end of church as her and her family are leaving she stay a little behind and whispers Monday won't work! How funny is that What our children pick up!
So we get home and rush to get he house clean with company coming over for dinner it's nuts! We get through dinner and everyone is good. So the day ends with everyone in bed and mom cleaning up the messes.....That's how it is suppose to be through right One Sunday down a million more to go!

Friday, April 24, 2009

What is going on now....

Well life is busy as ever with me working and Pete staying home with the kids their all adjusting to daddy's way and dad's adjusting to staying home with all of them and still staying sane. The girls are now official potty train (about time) and Brenn is almost one where dose the time go and oh yeah he now crawls (up the stairs to Pete's dislike).The adoption is going well with any luck it should be over soon so we can all be little saumani's or a least some of us.Sorry so short but gotta go.