Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Month Was Crazy

This month was nuts really it started out with anjie going to the hearing doctor and getting bad news about her hearing. Then on to work just not being up to what I thought it would be.. Kassie is now calling herself football and not always responding to anything else. Then I got two years closer to 30 which is not a good feeling, so I just tryed to ignore it and it!It is the weekend of Brennen's big birthday was even more crazy it goes as follows:
Friday at 10 PM we went shopping for all the food (which we all know is a lot) then try to clean the house because the case worker is coming on Sunday and we all know that we are not going to have the time on sat ,so up till two! Then sat starts grandma takes the girls to dance class ,meanwhile Pete and I keep cleaning, and load the baby, the food and the grill all into out little van drive to Tacoma. Then back home and too the park we go while making a quick stop for balloons.Then to the park to fight for parking and fight the wind and starting the grill only to get it going when all the in laws do. So we get all set up and people start coming and coming and coming (which I knew would happen but hey there is always hope right?) So we opened presents and have cake rush to get home and clean only to get home to all go to bed..GREAT.. On Sunday mom goes to church with anjie the rest of us stay home to make sure that everything is clean and ready. At 11:08 the caseworker come and talks to us for about 20min and leaves(ARE YOU KIDDING ME) and we all have cleaned every inch of the house , but a least it is done.
Then Pete and I are off to Pa'aga's party and home just in time to put the kids to bed and pass out! Oh yeah Happy Birthday to Pete! That's our month in a nut shell and it starts again in June..