Tuesday, January 13, 2009

State Boards

As I sit here studying or trying to study for state boards it strikes me how am I gonna take care of kids, clean the house and study of state boards which is on Friday!!! Every time I try to start one of the tasks one of kids is crying or fighting or just make the house messy and since I have a friend coming over tonight it's a little frustrating to have to deal with all this . The stress level is through the roof in the house. I have no idea how jenny dose it all and not go completely nuts I feel like the monster mom for trying to get some studying in and not play with the kids or cook cookies or some such thing that in control mothers do .

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Well it's now 2009 how time has flown by this last year we welcomed Brennen to the family he's such a joy to have with us he's always smiling and loves his sisters so much they are the greatest thing since food to him, they always try to help with him when he's crying (which if now a lot teething) but I've now figured out that boys are a little different but at this age they are the same as my little girls.I love you Brennen... Kassie has started preschool and hated it to start with but now likes it . She loves to run and be outside except in the snow and rain she'd much rather be inside where it's warm.She's definitely the crazy one in the family it's so cute to see those little cruls bouncing around as she takes off or to hear her sing to bren she just loves being the big sister. What a blessing children are. As for anjie she's a little woman already at the age of 4 (almost five) she loves to color and play on the computer( dress up games). She also wants to join the church choir she's in love with the arts.She's also in pre-school and loves it everyday of break she's asked is the buss coming to day and I have to tell her no what a sad little face. She loves to play with Kassie they are the best of friends. How they grow.... As for me and pete everything is great we are happly the partents of three wounderful kids I'm alomost through my state boards and then be working in a salon. Peter is working at seldon's but hopefuly we'll get him into school soon for his AA and then who knows. But over all it was a great year for the saumani's This next one should be even better...HAPPY NEW YEAR

Thursday, January 1, 2009

snow days in washington

Here are some pics of us in the snow Kassie likes inside better just like her mommie

So Christmas has come and gone now. I remember not so long ago that the girls would go to sleep and I'd stay up and put the presents together and fill the stockings and go to bed, waking several times in the night and see if they were wake and yes even poke them to wake them up. I really wanted to see them open their presents! But this year was different the kids went to bed and pete and I got out the presents set them out, filled the stocking and went to bed tried.Woke to anjie comeing in and jumping on us yelling GET UP SANTA CAME COME LOOK! Then we rolled out of bed and walked dazed down the stairs stoping to pick up kassie who was also dazed. Anjie was running all over showing what she got ( schooter) as kassie slowly went over to her stakes and just looked at them..Brennen on the other hand was asleep until after we were done so he got to open his in the buff.. How I miss the days when they slept and I poke them.... Over all it was a wonderfull christmas with my little family and mom is there anyother place we'd rather spend it then with our family. It snowed so we all got a white christmas.