Tuesday, January 13, 2009

State Boards

As I sit here studying or trying to study for state boards it strikes me how am I gonna take care of kids, clean the house and study of state boards which is on Friday!!! Every time I try to start one of the tasks one of kids is crying or fighting or just make the house messy and since I have a friend coming over tonight it's a little frustrating to have to deal with all this . The stress level is through the roof in the house. I have no idea how jenny dose it all and not go completely nuts I feel like the monster mom for trying to get some studying in and not play with the kids or cook cookies or some such thing that in control mothers do .


The Potter Family said...

Yay for passing the test!! Don't worry, I get on my kids too, I am no supermom...well maybe...no, I'm not!!

Adventures in Petersonland said...

did you pass your test?! i hope you were able to find some time to study while being a MOM! its hard to do anything when you have kids. i have one and that is hard as it is!

Kennach said...

Hey...what in the world is an "in control mom" and where can I get one? hahaha! Congrats on passing! I knew you would my dear!

I have a blog too! so add me b/c I haven't figured out how yet.