Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh the things we loose

So today I've been cleaning and such and taking care of the kids who are less then helpful in not fighting and messing things up. I asked the girls if they have seen my cord to the camera and they blamed the dog the cat each other which ended in a yelling fight and no I didn't! Yes you did! thing and at the end of everything I still can't find the cord !! which I would really like to have so I can load anjelina's birthday pics but still can't find.... Speaking of thing that you can't find and the "DOG" took jewelry that sock that is missing and yes the doll that is always wanted and never found how do we loose so much stuff and never see it till you move if you lucky!!!!
What to do when the kids take things and can't or won't remember where they took it or lost it...... Not to mention OUR minds as we look for everything!


Anonymous said...

do what i do. i STOP buying things. lol. it works!

Saumani's said...

Hopefully I can do it most likely not

Mua said...

Let me know if you ever find the other pair to all your unmatching socks...I swear you don't ever find those EVER! LOL.
I LAlala love all the pictures of the kids!