Monday, January 11, 2010

WOW! What a weekend!

So this weekend was VERY busy.It started on Friday when Brennen decided to get up at 5:45 (why dose he do that) and wouldn't sleep so therefore I was up.. And being that I had a very busy Friday to deal with I thought oh wouldn't it be smart if I went shopping at WinCO (thinking back on it I now am shaking my head) so I packed up my baby and off the WinCo we went in (have you ever gotten the look when you have your baby with you and it can be either late or early but people give you the worst looks.) So in I go to the store only to get looks form every person in there, which at that hour was very annoying! I just want to say look he won't sleep and I can't now either so here we are, do you have a problem with that do you? As my hair is now not very pretty and my eye is kind of twitching I looked just great! So I finished my shopping and got home just in time to take Anjie to school and continue on with my very busy day. And later that same day Kassie decided to put the biggest drop of CHEWED GUM in Anjie's hair that's right her hair ! ( and for any of you that know Anjie she's not the tough one or the messy one). So what dose one do when there is gum in hair??? For me that was cut it out! But no to remove gum you should take Peanut Butter and rub it into the hair and then proceed to pull out the gum with your hands, that are now covered in peanut butter. As I'm doing this Anjie is crying and yelling never to buy Kassie gum ever ever again! And then Grandma says oh you have the reduced fat kind you need the other with all the lovely oil in it. At the exact moment in my head I'm saying yeah I knew the cause and you really could have told me that sooner mom but thanks anyways.
So on sat I took the girls to their first movie in the theater we saw The Chipmunks The Squeekwell which was very funny. When we got there we were early and so the girls played on the rocks out side. Then when we went in there were about I'd say five foot Chipmunks! So of course the girls wanted their picture with them. Their favorites were Anjie and Alvin and Kassie and Theodore. It was really cute. We were waiting for our friends "auntie" Hollie and "cousin" Jade to meet us there so we went in and waited, then when they got there Anjie and Jade sat together and Kassie sat with me or on me as it was. They loved the girls chipmunks. It was a good time for all you went.
After that we had to rush home and get ready for a birthday party at Little Gym and man those kids ran and jump and played as much as they could (which of course I loves because then they won't have to be rocked for bed!) ,but once Brennen saw the balloons it was over and the only thing on his mind was those blasted balloons. They had cake and sandwiches and loved every min of it. After that was over we went home and had a hour to just be home (loved it) .Andwe were off and running again to the Kindalls for a good-bye party for the Bradshaw's and the kids ran some more (yes) and watched "G Force" it's now one of their favorites. Then home for bed by 11 and up at 7 AM (why ??? Remember when you didn't have kids and sleeping in was like 10 now we're lucky to get to sleep passed 7:30) oh the joys of being parents.... Church and home for Family Home Evening and repeat all next week. That was a busy weekend..... The newest thing the girls are telling us is that mom needs to have two more babies one boy and one girl and it needs to done soon! Anjie is so convinced that she came crying to grandma and said mom needs to have the other two babes.......You know at this point I'm wondering did you know them in heaven and now you are telling me or how do you know this....Well we will have to wait to see!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Papa and Uncle Sonny losing at cards to brennen
Christmas Eve at Grandma and Papa's
Liana and Girls
Ariel and Kassie
Uncle Sonny lifting all the kids
Anjie and Ariel


Wow! 2009 Went by fast. Brennen had his first birthday, He is now a even bigger boy weighing in at 32 pounds( which is 10 less then his five year old sister) he is making the girls lives trouble. He eats everything except vegies (we are still working on that) he has now broken every toilet in the house once from throwing things down them thus we have had to pull all three of them out to fix it! ( He's so Fun) Needless to say there is never a dull moment here. Kassie is in pre-school and less then happy about it. She would be outside all year round if I'd let her but because of all the cold weather she as had to spend most her day hidding from brennen (she is his fav playmate right now) who has taken it on himself to make her life painfull.She is still daddy's littel girl and jumps on him when he walks through the door every night. Anjie is in kindergarden and loves all the new friends she's made she's not so fond of the teacher, But loves the sub they have. She loves to sing anything and everything (not always on key) but she trys grandma and her went to the ward choir but anjie decided it wasn't for her so on to panio and singing lessons for her she loves the arts. Speaking of anjie she turns six on the 25th of this month and already is planning her party. oh it should be fun!! Peter is now the lead over recieving which means he' in charge of eveything that comes in to the shop (ie... parts) and has to make sure that the eight guys under him don't miss place them.He likes his job and the people that work with him it's a good company. Hopefully we'll be able to fiqure eveything out. As for me I'm working in my own salon it's steadly growing ever month and brings in alittle which is always a good thing. Other then that I'm being the busy mom and wife (which in it's self is a job all it's own ) it keeps me busy espically with brennen being so busy and into eveything he is my little shadow. Well that the year in a nutshell. One of my new years goal is to blog every week hopefully I'm up to the job only time will tell......