Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Well it's that time of year again pictures with Santa! It was something to behold we only waited in line for about 10 min vs. the hour and a hafe of last year. The girls were so excited to see Santa this year, they knew what they wanted and were ready to tell him just that ,but when they got there santa wasn't looking as good as he did in there minds. Anjie went up without a problem Kassie was hideing behind momie and Brennen just looked at him werid then when the "elf" came and asked kassie to sit on Santa's lap is replyed stongly NO! so then
we had to get in the picture (oh joy) so pete handed brennen over to stanta and he was ok till he relized that dad and mom weren't holding him and he cryed not a little but a loud stronge I don't like you cry and all I could say was take the picuture please! Brennen loves everyone and he crys with santa but looking back is was a little creepy. Oh yeah kassie didn't like santa but she took the candy and said I want SKATES and walk away she's so funny! Why do we countiue to get these pictures when the kids don't like them and Santa is scary? Well that's our santa pic or this year!


Sara said...

If anything, the pictures make good stories to tell! Keep getting them! I loved Kassie's response.

Kelly Potter said...

You look fantastic!! and yes we LOVE the stories.

The Potter Family said...

I don't think Brennen was too sure about ol'Saint Nick!!