Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Month Was Crazy

This month was nuts really it started out with anjie going to the hearing doctor and getting bad news about her hearing. Then on to work just not being up to what I thought it would be.. Kassie is now calling herself football and not always responding to anything else. Then I got two years closer to 30 which is not a good feeling, so I just tryed to ignore it and it!It is the weekend of Brennen's big birthday was even more crazy it goes as follows:
Friday at 10 PM we went shopping for all the food (which we all know is a lot) then try to clean the house because the case worker is coming on Sunday and we all know that we are not going to have the time on sat ,so up till two! Then sat starts grandma takes the girls to dance class ,meanwhile Pete and I keep cleaning, and load the baby, the food and the grill all into out little van drive to Tacoma. Then back home and too the park we go while making a quick stop for balloons.Then to the park to fight for parking and fight the wind and starting the grill only to get it going when all the in laws do. So we get all set up and people start coming and coming and coming (which I knew would happen but hey there is always hope right?) So we opened presents and have cake rush to get home and clean only to get home to all go to bed..GREAT.. On Sunday mom goes to church with anjie the rest of us stay home to make sure that everything is clean and ready. At 11:08 the caseworker come and talks to us for about 20min and leaves(ARE YOU KIDDING ME) and we all have cleaned every inch of the house , but a least it is done.
Then Pete and I are off to Pa'aga's party and home just in time to put the kids to bed and pass out! Oh yeah Happy Birthday to Pete! That's our month in a nut shell and it starts again in June..

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday at the Saumani's

Today was Crazy but a lot of fun. We started out rushed for church anyone who has ever meet at nine AM knows what I'm talking about.So we make it a little late but we're there and no one is dead or crying sooo victory to us... I end up "sitting in" for CTR 5 teacher, picture this me with about 7 little five year olds (I now love the people who work in the primary way more) so there I sit with two little girls on my lap not mine, but all the same. One says we need to schedule a play date for this week. OK I say how about Friday she replies that won't work with my schedule how about sat? I say OK I'll talk to you mom then she decides on Monday I agree to keep for going nuts the day goes on then at the end of church as her and her family are leaving she stay a little behind and whispers Monday won't work! How funny is that What our children pick up!
So we get home and rush to get he house clean with company coming over for dinner it's nuts! We get through dinner and everyone is good. So the day ends with everyone in bed and mom cleaning up the messes.....That's how it is suppose to be through right One Sunday down a million more to go!

Friday, April 24, 2009

What is going on now....

Well life is busy as ever with me working and Pete staying home with the kids their all adjusting to daddy's way and dad's adjusting to staying home with all of them and still staying sane. The girls are now official potty train (about time) and Brenn is almost one where dose the time go and oh yeah he now crawls (up the stairs to Pete's dislike).The adoption is going well with any luck it should be over soon so we can all be little saumani's or a least some of us.Sorry so short but gotta go.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pretend time....

So I bought suitcases for the girls. Anjie had to have pink and of course Kassie had to have blue and you might ask where did Alisa find pink and blue suitcases? At Wally world of course but, anyways I bought them on sale yeah for me! Brought them home and put the girls names on them A. Saumani and K. Saumani feeling very proud of myself. The girls took them and decided that tonight was the night to pack (even though the trip isn't till June) they packed everything from the pillows to DVDs to toys when asked about cloths they said oh yeah.... we forgot cloths.So they ran up and got some.
They go to bed and this morning they wanted to take the suitcases to school, so being the creative mom that I am I took on another job as a "STEWARDESS". I welcomed them to the flight and seated them put the suitcase's in the back ( behind them) then served them breakfast (the in flight meals) while playing the "CAPTION" too and telling them about the flight .....The passengers where Ballerina Cinderella and Mermaid guess who is who!
So they went to school and came home asking for the Caption....
What we do for the kids we love !

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not keeping up !

So Brennen in now 9 months and weighs in at 23 1/2 pounds. He has one tooth it on the bottom left, he dose the commando crawl ( all the mom's know what I mean) the one arm ,one leg, belly crawl like going under barbwire and man can he move it.Last night he got up on his knees and try for about two crawls and decides it wasn't going well so back to the commando. He eats solids and loves yogurt drops peach is his fav.His fav time of the day is when Pete comes home and eating.

The girls are both in dance class now so I'll be posting so pics soon.
Kassie is sick she just keeps getting it. I believe she's had it three time this season so hopefully it will end soon. I'd really love for her to get back to school, she's so busy and stuburn about everything. Her newest thing is to ask for something and when she hears a no she say momma said yep (even if she's heard it form me).She is dressing so weird now too pink pants green shirt and Dora flip flops. What will I do with her?

Anjie is still Anjie she loves school and now has a boy friend his name is Zack she knows him form church. They do everything together. They give each other presents more so on his side . They have play dates at each others houses. Pete isn't to happy to have Anjie like Zack what are you gonna do though. She loves dance class and can't wait to see her cousins and go on a plane with her OWN suitcase.

As so me and Pete we will celebrate or two year anniversary on the twenty-third of this month. I'm now working during the evening in a salon in Burien. Just building my client tell it long and annoying but worth it Pete will be working at night. But that about it for now ........

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sick again

So this last week the girls and DA(grandma) got sick and it took them all down but Brennen and dad and I didn't get it !! Well so the girls and DA got better and then who goes down but mom it started with a headache and went to upset stomach then just wanting to die. Anjie was really upset at night and we couldn't figure out why then last night as Da (grandma) was listening to her prays she asked heavenly father not to take her mom away ( she thinks I'm dyeing) so da spends then next ten mins telling her I'm NOT dyeing and just sick.... I have no idea where she got that. Yesterday da stayed home to take care of the kids while I rested and today pete is staying home am I lucky or what!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh the things we loose

So today I've been cleaning and such and taking care of the kids who are less then helpful in not fighting and messing things up. I asked the girls if they have seen my cord to the camera and they blamed the dog the cat each other which ended in a yelling fight and no I didn't! Yes you did! thing and at the end of everything I still can't find the cord !! which I would really like to have so I can load anjelina's birthday pics but still can't find.... Speaking of thing that you can't find and the "DOG" took jewelry that sock that is missing and yes the doll that is always wanted and never found how do we loose so much stuff and never see it till you move if you lucky!!!!
What to do when the kids take things and can't or won't remember where they took it or lost it...... Not to mention OUR minds as we look for everything!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

State Boards

As I sit here studying or trying to study for state boards it strikes me how am I gonna take care of kids, clean the house and study of state boards which is on Friday!!! Every time I try to start one of the tasks one of kids is crying or fighting or just make the house messy and since I have a friend coming over tonight it's a little frustrating to have to deal with all this . The stress level is through the roof in the house. I have no idea how jenny dose it all and not go completely nuts I feel like the monster mom for trying to get some studying in and not play with the kids or cook cookies or some such thing that in control mothers do .

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Well it's now 2009 how time has flown by this last year we welcomed Brennen to the family he's such a joy to have with us he's always smiling and loves his sisters so much they are the greatest thing since food to him, they always try to help with him when he's crying (which if now a lot teething) but I've now figured out that boys are a little different but at this age they are the same as my little girls.I love you Brennen... Kassie has started preschool and hated it to start with but now likes it . She loves to run and be outside except in the snow and rain she'd much rather be inside where it's warm.She's definitely the crazy one in the family it's so cute to see those little cruls bouncing around as she takes off or to hear her sing to bren she just loves being the big sister. What a blessing children are. As for anjie she's a little woman already at the age of 4 (almost five) she loves to color and play on the computer( dress up games). She also wants to join the church choir she's in love with the arts.She's also in pre-school and loves it everyday of break she's asked is the buss coming to day and I have to tell her no what a sad little face. She loves to play with Kassie they are the best of friends. How they grow.... As for me and pete everything is great we are happly the partents of three wounderful kids I'm alomost through my state boards and then be working in a salon. Peter is working at seldon's but hopefuly we'll get him into school soon for his AA and then who knows. But over all it was a great year for the saumani's This next one should be even better...HAPPY NEW YEAR

Thursday, January 1, 2009

snow days in washington

Here are some pics of us in the snow Kassie likes inside better just like her mommie

So Christmas has come and gone now. I remember not so long ago that the girls would go to sleep and I'd stay up and put the presents together and fill the stockings and go to bed, waking several times in the night and see if they were wake and yes even poke them to wake them up. I really wanted to see them open their presents! But this year was different the kids went to bed and pete and I got out the presents set them out, filled the stocking and went to bed tried.Woke to anjie comeing in and jumping on us yelling GET UP SANTA CAME COME LOOK! Then we rolled out of bed and walked dazed down the stairs stoping to pick up kassie who was also dazed. Anjie was running all over showing what she got ( schooter) as kassie slowly went over to her stakes and just looked at them..Brennen on the other hand was asleep until after we were done so he got to open his in the buff.. How I miss the days when they slept and I poke them.... Over all it was a wonderfull christmas with my little family and mom is there anyother place we'd rather spend it then with our family. It snowed so we all got a white christmas.